| uchi | uke |
1 | Shomen | Shomen |
2* | Tsu-ki | Sho-men |
3 | Shomen | Kirikaeshi |
4* | Shomen | Shomen tsuki |
5* | Shomen (defending) | Shomen Tsuki (advancing) |
6* | Sho men | Shomen (point his face), kirikaeshi, kotegiri (ikkyo) |
7* | Shomen | Point his face!, jump to 90 degrees, going to, gyaku yokomen (90º). |
2* Uke goes back and up with the ken (position, left hanmi), preparing to attack in Shomen. Uchi enter Tsuki, but he doesn’t find Uke, so, he comes back to original position. When Uchi goes back, Uke cut him in Shomen, or kote, (position, always right hanmi).
4*Uke (defender) defends shomen of the attacker. Uchi(attacker) turn his ken up, with disposition to a new shomen. But Uke enter tsuki to the chest of uchi.
5* In this case, Uke attacks in Shomen. Uchi defends with shomen to his opponent´s ken. Uke take advantage of his enemy’s block and use that impulse to attack in tsuki to the opponent’s chest, (but advancing to left hanmi).
6* like Awase nº1 + Awase nº 3; then, Uchi (attacker) goes to a new Shomen. When his ken is up, Uke cuts his elbow or wrist (in the way of Ikkyo), switching position to left hanmi.
7*Uchi attacks in Shomen. Uke advances to the left in Kirikaeshi and attacks in gyaku yokomen uchi standing in the left side at 90º degrees from his oponent.
(In 7th, when Uchi goes up to attack in shomen, Uchi points his face with intention to cut. After that, kirikaeshi Gyaku Yokomen comes, as I explained before).
Ki munubi no tachi
Saludo, wakigamae, shomen, kirikaeshi, kote giri (to ikkyo).
Uke: who goes back.
Uchi: who advances.
Uchi and Uke is different in Aikiken than in empty hands techniques.
kote: wrisp.
Gyaku: other side (left yokomen uchi).
Kirikaeshi: block (up) and cut's in shomen. (The idea of blocking does not exists in Aikido).
Hanmi: position, guard.For deeper analysis, please consult me. It's a good idea if you can play it and send me a video, so I can see the results of my description!
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